Contact us

We welcome inquiry and feedback on information presented on this website including comment on statistical methods and the approach used in analysing specific datasets.

Most analyses used raw daily data downloaded from the Bureau of Meteorology Climate Data on-line facility and where necessary, datasets for different sites were merged vis-à-vis ACORN-SAT before processing into annual datasets using code written for the statistical package R.

We also use ancillary information to verify and support analysis including aerial photographs and archived maps, plans and documents etc. and it is concerning that site summary metadata provided by the Bureau is often incomplete and/or misleading. In respect of ACORN-SAT sites used to calculate Australia’s warming, claims that site histories have been exhaustively researched are often found to be wanting.

Another layer of information about site changes may exist such as such as Public Works Department Work Orders, negotiations/approvals for site relocations involving the Post Master Generals Department, the Department of Civil Aviation and the Royal Australian Air Force and we would welcome information from members of the public who may be aware of the location of such documents or other anecdotal information.

 BOMwatch (We) also welcome general feedback about the website.

David Mason-Jones (publisher) and Dr Bill Johnston (scientist).

Contact may be made as follows:


David Mason-Jones



Dr. Bill Johnston
